Yin Research Group
  1. 2024.03 Prof. Yin has transferred to Department of Aircraft in School of Aeronautic Science and Engineering in March 2024
  2. 2023.09 Prof. Yin was appointed as the Early Career Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials
  3. 2023.08 Prof. Yin was invited to present at the 23rd International Conference on Composites Materials (ICCM 23) in Belfast, Northern Ireland
  4. 2023.07 Prof. Yin was appointed as the Early Career Editorial Board Member of the Journal Additive Manufacturing Frontiers (AFM)
  5. 2023.07 Congratulations to Weihua for his thesis being selected as one of Ten annual Excellent Master's Thesis by Chinese Society for Composite Materials! Good luck may be late, but will not be missing:)
  6. 2023.03 Prof. Yin was invited to give a talk in HITSZ 10 years after her graduation !!!
  7. 2022.11 Prof. Yin was appointed as the Early Career Editorial Board Member of the Journal Composites Communications (COCO) 2023-2025
  8. 2022.11 Prof. Yin feel honored for being invited to visit High-performance Fiber Testing and Evaluation Center (高性能纤维检测评价中心) in Beihang University with Professor Shanyi Du
  9. 2022.04 Prof. Yin was invited to give a talk about lightweight and multifunctional architectured composites in Tsinghua University! And the faith about "致真唯实":)
  10. 2022.03 Our work about the defense mechanism of architecture in the impact region of mantis shrimp was finally get accepted. Congrats to Dianhao and thanks for Ruiheng's great contribution!
  11. 2021.12 Prof. Yin was invited to attend the annual meeting of her important collaborative company CAIP, who would sign another three-year contract with Beihang on Lightweight technology development! CAIP was satisfatory with Prof. Yin's efforts and determination on this collaboration, and congrats to every team member!
  12. 2021.12 Congrats to Ruiheng, Weihua, Huang Yao for getting their master degree and the high-salary jobs! I am waiting for their donation in the coming future:)
  13. 2021.11 Our lab was rebuilt up in Shahe Campus! Fight on:)
  14. 2021.07 Our work about effects of architectures on the mechanical behavior of dual-phase mechanical metamaterials was quickly accepted by Extreme Mechanics Letter! Congrats to Weihua (His second paper)!
  15. 2021.06 Our work about protective battery system by incorporating lattice materials into battery cells was accepted by Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, which was dedicated to celebrate Prof. Tongxi Yu's 80th Birthday!
  16. 2021.06 Our work about multiphysics modeling framework of composite structural batteries was accepted by Composites Communications! Grats to Zhiguo and Zihan!
  17. 2021.04 Our lightweight lattice material based flying vehicle and chair win wide attention at 2021 Shanghai Auto Show! Thanks for every team member’s efforts! Reports at: BUAA, Innovation China, CAIP, China-SAE, Sohu
  18. 2021.01 Congrats to Zihan, Zhiguo and Dianhao for getting their M.S. degree! Wish them success in future!
  19. 2021.01 Our work on bioinspired dual-phase mechanical metamaterial composites is published in JMPS (our first JMPS paper!). Congrats to Weihua!
  20. 2020.12 Prof. Yin was invited to attend 2020 Changshu Annual Meeting.
  21. 2020.12 Prof. Yin was invited to attend annual meeting of State Key Laboratory of Advanced Forming Technology & Equipment.
  22. 2020.11 Prof. Yin was invited to give a talk about structural battery in Zhuhai! (see: https://m.thepaper.cn/baijiahao_9981875)
  23. 2020.10 Our first work about the interfacial failure analysis of structural battery with modified carbon fibers as anode is published in CSTE. Congrats to Zihan!
  24. 2020.10 Our website is online on October 2020!